Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Quality vs. Quantity

Google's Marissa Mayer mentioned "when it's free it's not perfect" . That comment may be biting Google in the tail.

Google often launches products in the Google labs and Google beta programs. As noted in the forum though, when Google launches a product in one of these areas it is reported as a new product, not a trial.

People want new, innovative, fresh products, just like they want new, innovative, fresh content or services or news. Of course, they want it all free and perfect but in the end I think they've trip over some imperfections as they go (pointing the problems out along the way) to use a new, innovative, fresh AND free product that ultimately makes their lives easier or more fun. Distractions are as good as easing work load and if you create applications and products people can play with WHILE working then you've struck oil.


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