Friday, December 01, 2006

AOL Gives Away Free Movies!

Can't beat free. AOL Video has decided to give away a free video download to each consumer beginning at 6am on Saturday - that's tomorrow folks.

According to TechCrunch AOL Video is normally lacking in selection and high in price, but who can argue with free?

A head's up though> I shot over to AOL Video's homepage and didn't immediately see a link to download for free or read a story on it. Hey, I'm a regular gal and don't have time to search for it. Hopefully it'll be easy to navigate tomorrow. Not that I couldn't find it if I tried, I'm just not going to try :)

Check it out. Reportedly, 30+ titles will be available for the choosing, not surprisingly many Christmas selections will be available. However, Spiderman 2 is another option, so hey, chose and download.

You'll need a good movie to:
a) get you in the holiday spirits
b) get you away from the holiday spirited
c) flop in front of after stuffing yourself silly with turkey, ham, trimmings and wassail

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!


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