Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So it's Official!

By "official" I mean I've seen more than two blogs or articles summarizing the original report.

By "its" I mean Inbound Link Popularity is #1 in SEO.

Fortune Interactive's report on inbound links has gained ground across the Internet.

I do wish writers would complete sentences when summarizing other articles however. For instance:

The company released the results of a study that determined inbound link (IBL) quality, or the reputation of the referrer, was not only the most influential factor across all three leading search engines Google, Yahoo!, and MSN.

If it was not only the most influential factor across search engines what else was it?

Sorry guy, incomplete sentences drive me up the wall. Though we are all not only guilty of it.

In other news, Google's Search Market Share Increases For The 11th Consecutive Month In June.

In a blip produced by it appears the Google China conumdrum, the Google Print debacle, Eric Schmidt's uncanny recent comments, nor even click fraud lawsuits can keep the big G down.
Google gained in search market share for the eleventh consecutive month and maintained its status as market leader with 44.7% of searches conducted on its sites. Yahoo! remained in second place while increasing its share to 28.5%, and MSN ranked third with 12.8%.


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