Thursday, July 20, 2006

12 Commandments of Microsoft

As commandments would have it, this list is left to some interpretation. However, there is commentary by senior VP Brad Smith slashed across the web.

The first commandment goes to the installation of any software.

No. 2 is easy access.

No. 3 is defaults.

No. 4 is exclusive promotion of non-Microsoft programs.

No. 5 is business terms.

No. 6 deals with APIs.

No. 7 involves Internet services, where Microsoft is contributing to innovation in the area of Internet services with services that the company calls Windows Live.

No. 8 is Open Internet access, where Microsoft will design and license Windows so that it does not block access to any lawful Web site or impose any fee for reaching any non-Microsoft Web site or using any non-Microsoft Web service.

No. 9 is "no exclusivity".

Commandments 10-12 deal with interoperability for users and say that Microsoft will make its communications protocols available for commercial release, the company will generally license patents on its operating system inventions, and the company is committed to supporting industry standards.


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