Personalization with Meaning
Currently I'm involved in this new social/video networking site. It just launched its BETA version with many impressive changes to come.
Why another social/video site? This ones different. It's focus is, well, it actually has a focus for one. Preserving, archiving, and sharing digitally converted 8mm original videos.
You know those old boxes full of film in the closet, attic, or garage? Ever wonder what's on them? I have. I've come on board with this site because of it's cultural (I'm an anthropologist at heart), historical, and personal value.
I never thought much about that film beyond "I wish I could watch that/I wonder what's on it" and "Where would I find the equipment?" or "How has the film held up against time, dust, and storage?" Now I know more about it and I'm hoping those who have already converted and those who have considered converting the film will join in this community.
The community is called XPEERi Retro Video. Pronounced X-peer-ee. Like experience. Members log in, create accounts, upload video and can provide information, descriptions and story lines to their home videos.
Imagine being able to upload and share the video your dad shot of you and your sisters running through sprinklers when you were 8. Or what about your parent's wedding day? A family vacation which imprinted fond memories or a party you love to reminesce about could be shared with peers, children and grandchildren.
The site holds significance because it is focused and will work toward being an archive universities, researchers and community groups can utilize for educational, historical and entertainment. With permission from the video owner of course.
Check it out. It's still in BETA but it's coming along nicely.
Tell me what you think about the site, the concept and the videos.
You can even leave messages on videos and there will be a forum soon!
Labels: work, xpeeriretro
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