Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Google in China: Chinese YouTube, Social Networking Project in the Works

Well, in the works may be jumping the gun but as reported by the Bruce Clay newsletter, January 2007, Google is looking like it's inquiring into a YouTube / China solution.

Details here.

So what do you think? With all the hullabulloo about Google "doing evil" in the case of China who's to think this will stop? Is it a good idea? Business wise it seems so.

Does Google's entrance into China reflect the idea that Google doesn't mind censorship? Whatever happened to the shouts and hollers about Google and China? Is it under the rug?

This watch and see approach may be our only choice.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Fireform Link Review

In my previous post I discussed a link I received from a Digital Points user. He claimed he had a form that would work on 80+ article submission sites using a file he created for FireFox's FireForm attachment.

In exchange for posting a link to his page he sent me the file.

This morning I downloaded FireFox and FireForm. Inserted the file he sent me and completed the appropriate lines.

I've submitted probably 2 dozen articles this morning using this format and I must say it's a breeze. While there are certainly kinks in the automated form most blanks are filled in as necessary.

A note: This FireForm works on all sorts of article submission sites, whether in the list provided or collected elsewhere.

Also, I'll provide a few tips now and a few more later as I review the sites over time.

TIP #1: Put list of 80 article sites in excel spreadsheet. Then submit to the top sites first. You can choose "Page Rank" "Domain Backlinks in Yahoo" "Pages In Google Index" "Last Cached (Checked on 1/5/2007)" as determinants.

TIP #2: With each individual article submission you must change the article title using the "Profiles management" button on your FireForm attachment. This is for different articles, not each time you submit the same article to a different site.

TIP #3: This form is really best for before you've gone through and signed up for each site, however it is also useful after you've registered to prefill some of the form.

TIP #4: Don't only use these article submission sites, do your research, plenty of others are available and this format works on all of them.

TIP #5: This is not an automatic submission file. You still have to do some legwork, it does cut down on the on-site time.

Some sites are no longer good. For instance, has posted this on it's article submission page:

We will soon discontinue our "Submit Article" feature...

Another site wasn't accepting either.

I'm still going through the list. Overall I'd say it's a success. You may be able to build your own form if you want or if you have the time. Otherwise consider posting a backlink and uploading the file that's been created.

I know I'll be using the information to my advantage. Well, back to posting articles!