Monday, July 31, 2006

Microsoft to Charge for Beta Release

In Today's News:

Microsoft has announced that from this point on the downloading of Microsoft 'sOffice 2007 Beta 2 will cost you.

The already popular Beta version has ben downloaded more than 3 million times, reportedly. Further downloads will cost $1.50 per.

So the fee isn't a large one, but it still calls to question what the Redmond office's plans for the future may be.

Are they planning on delivering software via download rather than boxing it up all nice and neat?

Is Microsoft going to charge for other downloads in the future -- say, updates?

What will the implications be on the software movement if Microsoft pulls all, or most, products from store shelves (eventually) and only offers ordering online? Isn't that the wave of the future brick-and-mortars are afraid of?

Software giant Microsoft claims the Beta version of Office 2007 has been so vastly popular the fees cover costs from the overloaded servers.

The tactic in which Microsoft has implemented the fees is interesting as well. Although some may complain of a fee not many will complain loudly enough over $1.50. Rivaling an iTunes download price and receiving a major software program one can't fuss too much.

So Microsoft gets its $1.50 from the next few million downloads and millions of happy customers try out all the newest features of Office 2007 prior to its release, wheting their appetites for the real thing. Seems pretty win-win.

We'll see if this newest model will restructure the way Microsoft plans to deliver Office 2007, whenever the giant gets around to actually releasing it. Whoever heard of releasing a product the year it says it's going to not the year prior (autos do it every year).

I'm currently running the update now om my computer. When it's finished I'll report back. As of yet no charges have been required or requested.


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