Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Labor Strife -- Inc.'s Agenda

Inc. magazine, The Handbook of the American Entrepreneur, August 2006 edition offers the 8.06 Agenda, page 25.

I read this while treadmilling a few miles during abreak today and thought it interesting enough to share.

August 1: The 1st Whiff of Teen Spirit
Back when cable TV was thought to be a money-sucking endeavor, Bob Pittman argued otherwise. He launched MTV 25 years ago today
(can you believe that?!). Over the years, the network's shows have taught CEOs a number of valuable lessons: Do not ask your 18-year-old daughter to consult on a business line, as Tommy Hilfiger did (Rich Girls); a new hire who vomits during orientation is probably not going to work out (The Real World:Las Vegas); and finally, you're not a success until you have a flat-screen TV in every bathroom (Cribs).

They should add also that names mean nothing -- music television has failed to promote music or show music videos for how long now? And launching another station to take over the original idea is just another avenue to screw up -- how often does MTV2 play videos anymore? Cool double-headed dog logo though.

August 5: Key Dates in the Labor Movement, Part 1
On this date in 1981, Ronald Reagan upended the labor movement by firing 11,359 striking air-traffic controllers under the Taft-Hartley Act.

Poor Ronney, and why do people dispise him still today?

August 20: Key Dates in the Labor Movement, Part 2
On this date in 1866, the new National Labor Union formally asked Congress to prescribe an eight-hour workday. Two years later, Congress agreed to do so for federal workers.
(Today federal workers enjoy many more labor breaks than teh average Joe: Flag Day, Columbus Day, "Let's Pretend There's a Holiday So We Can Get Off Work" Day...)The NLU disbanded soon thereafter, but organized labor had gained steam.

August 22: Key Dates in the Labor Movement, Part 3
Finally, on this date in 1966, agricultural workers led by Cesar Chavez officially formed the United Farm Workers of America. Earlier this year, the union made headlines again when it disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO to join Change to Win.

August 28: Refining the Line
Now, some escapist fun: The U.S. Open starts today in New York City. The tennis tournament, televised on CBS and USA, will be the first grand slam event to feature instant-replay officiating.

Perhaps my favorite part of the line up is Stephanie Cliffords quote:

August is historically a dicey month in terms of labor strife. So throw a company cookout and make peace, already.


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